Parental preference
As a parent, you are able to specify a first, second and third preference for secondary schools. When considering your options, we invite you to discuss this with us, as well as explore the options available to you. Below are some helpful links which have further details of other special schools in Nottinghamshire.
Special school – academies
Special school – Local Authority
Once you have submitted your school preferences, ICDS will start formal talks, also known as consultations, so they can determine if:
- the school is suitable for your child’s age and ability.
- your child’s attendance at the school is compatible with the education of other children in the school.
- the placement is a good use of the council’s resources.
This is very similar to the process you went through when applying for a place at Redgate.
Confirmation of place
ICDS will confirm which school or academy is most suited to your child and where a place has been offered, they will then update your child’s EHCP accordingly.
If you do not agree with where your child has been placed, you have the right to appeal. More information on appeals can be found here.
Transition visits
Once your child’s secondary school place has been confirmed by ICDS, we will make contact with the secondary school early in the summer term to organise transition visits. This ensures the new school has all the relevant information they need to ensure a smooth transition for your child.