Welcome to Pine – class teacher, Jade Grundy and Lorraine Robinson

Learners in Pine follow the green, blue and yellow curriculum pathways in early years foundation stage (EYFS) and key stage 1.

This page gives an insight into our class and what we get up to each day. If you are looking for specific information on our curriculum, you can find further detail on our curriculum page.

If you’d like to find out more about any aspect, please get in touch.

A typical day in Pine…

Our day starts with our class coming together for breakfast and communication time. Our children have the opportunity to develop an interest in different foods, to develop likes, dislikes and to make choices using individual modes of communications. Some children have a bespoke learning program to meet their sensory needs.

Throughout each morning, we have continuous provision time, both indoors and outdoors. This provides children with the opportunity to access a wide range of learning activities, encompassing EYFS seven areas of learning. Throughout these activities there is a focus on play based child initiated learning and the development of EYFS Characteristics of effective learning.

During lunch we focus on expanding the children’s food interests and developing positive relationships with food.

Our afternoon sessions begins with the class singing songs chosen by the children. We follow this with teeth brushing as part of being healthy.

In addition to the daily continuous provision, each afternoon we all come together for a focussed teacher led sessions either for the whole class or as a small group. These include forest school, PE, cooking, topic based sensory story, singing, maths numbers and counting, activity trays and Attention Autism.

We continue to develop our physicals skills on a daily basis, by accessing the outdoor environment to ride on the tricycles and climb on the adventure playground equipment.

Lots of our days are messy but we always have lots of fun with learning!