Redgate Primary Academy and Yeoman Park Academy various appointed governor vacancies to join our joint Academy Committee. If you would like to apply please access the application pack documents below or alternatively, contact Mrs Emma Paine, The Returning Officer on 01623 479033 or by email at for a form to be sent to you in the post or by email. The closing date is 10.00am on 20/03/2020 .

All parents (including carers) of registered pupils at the school are eligible for parent governorship at the school. Parents are elected by other parents and if there is more than one application, a vote will be held. Please therefore ensure that you complete your application thoroughly with sufficient details supplied for it to go to voting.

Please return your forms by post to Mrs E Paine, The Returning Officer [Clerk to the Academy Board], Redgate Primary Academy, Somersall Street, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG19 6EL or by hand to the Main Reception (addressed to The Returning Officer [Clerk to the Academy Board]).

We look forward to hearing from you and welcome all expressions of interest from parents to join our joint Academy Board.

Application form

Nomination form