Updated 17 March 2020

Across the Diverse Academies Trust, of which our academy is a member, we have collectively taken the decision to close Redgate Primary Academy, with immediate effect, alongside all other academies within our Trust.

I want to assure you that this is not a decision we have taken lightly, but a decision we have been left with no other option to take in the interests of the health and wellbeing of all pupils and staff.

Due to significantly low levels of staffing available, following the government’s change in advice for self-isolation – and the ongoing unpredictability of this position – we are no longer able to continue to operate safely.

We are facing an unprecedented situation, and we will be monitoring this position closely. We will keep parents and carers regularly updated about the closure and all updates will be posted to a dedicated webpage which you can access by visiting:


This closure will be up to and including the 3 April and will continue throughout the Easter break. We will continue to review the situation, but our current expectation is that we will re-open on Monday 20 April.

General academy information on the coronavirus outbreak, including links to important government information, can also be found here:


Access to student learning resources

Our main priority is to ensure that during the closure period, the impact on the education of our pupils is minimised as much as possible. In preparation for this, all pupils, across all year groups will have access to learning resources.

We are currently working on uploading these resources onto our website and we will send a further communication when this is ready to access.

Pupils without access to the internet or a home computer must contact office@redgateprimary-ac.org.uk and we endeavour to support with providing paper-based learning resources where possible.

Contacting the academy

During the closure period, should you have any questions about student work or if for any reason you cannot login or access resources, please contact the academy by email at office@redgateprimary-ac.org.uk or call us at 01623 455944.

For emergencies and urgent enquiries, our main academy phone lines will be diverted to an off-site member of staff. We will aim to answer these as soon as possible, but please be advised that our normal response time may be affected.

Parental support in ensuring pupils remain on track during this difficult period is much appreciated, and I trust that you will understand the very difficult decision we have made.

Yours faithfully,

Pauline Corfield, Senior Principal

Courtney Hoop, Principal